Kick Starting A Great Project

I was very happy to have worked/collaborated with the super talented Laura Robertson for “Shouldn’t Throw Stones “ and recently with Jacob Bolton as part of the FORM collective

I have also been trying to bribe another of the contributing writers Denise Courcoux to collaborate on future projects !

Below is a link to their KickStarter crowdfunding page for their current project Present Tense.


A collection of essays by some of the UK’s most exciting writers, commenting on tensions in the fields of art and culture. It takes as a starting point the celebrations in 2018 that marked a decade of Liverpool’s status as European Capital of Culture. We asked six writers to reflect on the ten years, while not being tied to the past.

Present Tense asks:

  • What do we define as the culture around us? Who are the stakeholders? Who chooses?

  • What does it mean when an artwork is repeatedly and violently destroyed, especially if that artwork is about the global refugee crisis?

  • How does a city like Liverpool understand, and make peace with, a European Capital of Culture award during Brexit negotiations?

  • What becomes of ambitious outdoor sculpture that, years after being commissioned, is unloved and neglected?

  • What are the consequences of a cultural award on individuals: the people that imagine, make and deliver that ‘culture’?
